Submissions, Papers & Presentations
Bennett, S.J. (2023). Incorporating precision agriculture and associated technologies into agricultural courses at University. Australian Precision Agriculture Symposium, Perth. (Invited Address).
Bennett, S.J. & Low, S.G. (2021). Student-led field trials for agronomic training. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 29(4), 22-29.
Low, S.G. & Bennett, S.J. (2021). Using NDVI to assess pasture biomass. International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 29(4), 30-35.
Professor Jim Pratley “Agricultural education rebooted” AgEd Special Conference University of New England
Low, S.G. & Bennett, S.J. (2018). Agribusiness Industry Experience Program. Case Studies of Successful WIL. Australian Council of Deans of Science. https://www.acds.edu.au/teaching-learning/wil-guide-for-science/case-studies/
Bennett, S.J., Low, S.G. & Abadi, A. (2018). Using the Risky Business Game to build Farming Systems Knowledge. AgEd Symposium, The University of Adelaide. 21-22nd June 2018 (Abstract & presentation).
Low, S.G. & Bennett, S.J. (2018). Using GrassGro™ to Develop Understanding of Livestock Production Systems. AgEd Symposium, The University of Adelaide. 21-22nd June 2018 (Abstract & presentation).
Low, S.G. and Bennett, S.J. (2016). Threshold Learning Outcome 3: Inquiry and Problem-solving. Good Practise Guide: Threshold Learning Outcomes for Agriculture. (Eds. Botwright Acuna, T. and Able, A.J.). Office for Learning and Teaching, Sydney Australia.
Bennett, S. and Low, S (2015). Working with Industry to enhance graduate learning skills: Developing an Industry Agribusiness Honours Program. MAVALT Symposium, University of Melbourne, Australia (Abstract & presentations).
Low, S and Bennett, S. (2015). Linking the classroom to the field. MAVALT Symposium, University of Melbourne, Australia .
Professor Holger.Meinke et al. “Tertiary agricultural education in Australasia: where to from here?” – OECD Conference on Agricultural Education in the 21st Century, Spain
Bennett, S.J. (2013). Cultivating the next generation of pasture scientists in Australia. Engaging the next generation of grassland researchers and practitioners. Proceedings of the 22nd International Grassland Congress. September 2013. Sydney, Australia. (Invited address).
Professor Rick Roush "The future of ag extension by Australian universities" - ABARES Outlook
Professor Jim Pratley "Shortfall in graduate supply for a strong employment market" - ABARES Outlook
Professor Roger Leigh "Sustaining research capacity" - ABARES Outlook
The following links are Microsoft Word or PDF documents, unless specified otherwise.
Response to the Agricultural Competitiveness Green Paper - ACDA
Submission to Horticulture Innovation Australia Green Paper on Strategic Research - ACDA
Response to Rural Research and Development Council on Agricultural R&D System - ACDA
The employer of choice or a sector without a workforce? - Jim Pratley, Scott Graham, Hardy Mander, Joshua Gilbert, Farm Policy Journal 19 (2) 32-43
Agricultural education ‘rebooted’ in Australia. - Jim Pratley International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 29 (4)
Indigenous students do not choose agriculture at University - Jim Pratley, Proceedings of 19th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga
International student education in Australia – is agriculture gaining its fair share? - Jim Pratley, Proceedings of 19th Australian Agronomy Conference, Wagga Wagga
Graduate Destinations in Agriculture - Jim Pratley and Nigel Crawley, Agricultural Science, 29, 7-14
Agriculture - from macho to gender balance – J E Pratley, Proceedings of 18th Australian Agronomy Conference, Ballarat, Australia
Evolution of agricultural education in Australia – Jim Pratley and Nigel Crawley, Agricultural Science, 29, 7-14
Career Development in Horticulture - an Australian Perspective – David E. Aldous and James E Pratley, Acta Horticulturae 1126, 193-198
Horticulture in the 21st century – the need for an educated workforce – J E Pratley, Acta Horticulturae 1126, 59-68
Graduate supply in agriculture – a glimmer of hope – J E Pratley, Agricultural Science 28(2),12-16
Horticultural research in Australian Universities – J E Pratley, Agricultural Science, 28(2), 25-34
From adversity comes strength – repositioning education in agriculture – James Pratley and Tina Botright Acuna, Proceedings of 17th Australian Agronomy Conference, Hobart
Recent trends in Australian tertiary agricultural science education – R Harper and J Pratley
Agricultural education and damn statistics 1: graduate completions – J.E. Pratley, Agricultural Science 27 (1), 44-50
Agricultural education and damn statistics 2: graduate employment and salaries – J.E. Pratley, Agricultural Science 27 (1), 51-55
Review into Agricultural Education and Training in New South Wales – J.E. Pratley, NSW Government: Sydney
Professional agriculture – a case of supply and demand - J. E. Pratley, Australian Farm Institute Occasional Paper No 12.01, 1-8 (AFI: Surry Hills Australia)
The workforce challenge in horticulture - J. E. Pratley, Agricultural Science 24: 26-29
Education and training challenges for the Australian forestry sector – J. E. Pratley, P.J. Kanowski and L.M Ball, Australian Forestry 73, 227-233
The Job Market in Agriculture in Australia [PDF] - J. E. Pratley and M. Hay, Agricultural Science 22(1), 35-40
Workforce Planning in Agriculture: Agricultural Education and Capacity Building at the Crossroads - J. E. Pratley, Farm Policy Journal 5 (3), 27-41
Graduate Completions in Agriculture and Related Degrees from Australian Universities, 2001 - 2006 - J. E. Pratley and L. Copeland, Farm Policy Journal 5 (3), 1-10
Agriculture at Australian Universities - a Matter of Concern - J. Pratley and R. Leigh, Proceedings Australian Agronomy Conference, Adelaide
Discussion Papers
A Case for Support for Agricultural, Land Management, and Forestry Extension by the Federal Government in Australia Rick Roush - 20 January 2014