Learning and Teaching Academy

About the Academy

The Academy was formed by the ACDA to inform innovation and quality in tertiary teaching practice in Agriculture and related disciplines. The Academy aims to:

  • encourage the scholarship of learning and teaching (SoLT) for agricultural educators

  • provide reward and recognition for excellence and innovation in tertiary agricultural education via the Australian University Agriculture Education Awards for Excellence in Teaching

  • promote and sustain the implementation and regular update of the national Threshold Learning Outcomes (TLOs) for Agriculture

  • support interactions between tertiary and secondary agricultural educators and industry.

Upcoming Events

To promote leadership and share good practice in agricultural education, we have a community-of-practice (CoP) on MS Teams and hold events regularly. These include online workshops (at least twice per year) and the AgEd Symposium (every two years).

The next AgEd Symposium will be in early 2026 at La Trobe University in Melbourne.

 Details for our workshops in 2025 – COMING SOON.

Want to join our CoP on MS Teams, participate in peer review and receive updates about our events then please visit https://adelaideuniwide.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e9T9ISQn971gLye or use this QR code to join  

ACDA LTA Steering Group 2025-2026

Amanda Able (University of Adelaide), Convenor, ACDA LTA
Marisa Collins (La Trobe University), Convenor, Ag Ed Symposium 2026 Organising Committee
Janelle Wilkes (University of New England), Convenor, Education Awards Committee
Amy Cosby (Central Queensland University)
Jacob Hawkins (Curtin University)
Kara Barry (University of Tasmania)
Beth Loveys (University of Adelaide)
Sarah Frankland (University of Melbourne)
Suresh Krishnasamy (University of Queensland)