Professor Sarita Bennett, Curtin University, Discipline Lead of Agriculture and Food Science
- Email: sarita.bennett@curtin.edu.au
- Phone: +61 8 9266 2740
- Course Contact: Visit website
Associate Professor Chris Guppy, University of New England, Associate Professor in Soil Fertility, School of Environmental and Rural Science
- Email: cguppy@une.edu.au
- Phone: +61 2 6773 3567
Immediate Past President
Professor Damien Field, University of Sydney, Head, School of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Email: soles.hos@sydney.edu.au
- Phone: +61 2 9351 2848
- Course Contact: Visit website
Senior Lecturer Jeff McCormick, Charles Sturt University, School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences
- Email: jmccormick@csu.edu.au
- Phone: +61 2 6933 2367
- Course Contact: Visit website
Western Australia
Curtin University
Professor Sarita Bennett, Curtin University, Discipline Lead Agriculture and Food – School of Molecular and Life Sciences
- Email: sarita.bennett@curtin.edu.au
- Phone: +61 8 9266 2740
- Course Contact: Visit websiteMurdoch University
Professor Richard Harper, Professor, Centre for Crop and Food Innovation, Food Futures Institute, School of Agricultural Sciences
- Email: R.Harper@Murdoch.edu.au
- Phone: +618 9360 2191
- Course Contact: Visit websiteEdith Cowan University
Professor Zora Singh, Leader Horticulture Program, School of Science
- Email: Z.Singh@ecu.edu.au
- Phone: +618 6304 6701
- Course Contact: Visit website
South Australia
University of Adelaide
Professor Jason Able, Head of School of Agriculture, Food and Wine
- Email: afw@adelaide.edu.au
- Phone: +61 8 8313 7075
- Course Contact: Visit website
La Trobe University
Associate Professor Tony Gendall, Head of Plant Development and Physiology Lab, Department of Animal, Plant And Soil Sciences
- Email: t.gendall@latrobe.edu.au
- Phone: +61 3 9032 7466
- Course Contact: apss.enquiry@latrobe.edu.auUniversity of Melbourne
Professor Giovanni Turchini, Head of School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences
- Email: giovanni.turchini@unimelb.edu.au
- Phone: 136352, +61 8344 3571
- Course Contact: rosgall@unimelb.edu.au
- Faculty Contact: Contact information
University of Tasmania
Professor Michael Rose, Professor of Animal Science, Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture
- Email: m.rose@utas.edu.au
- Phone: +61 3 6226 6368
- Course Contact: Visit website
New South Wales
Charles Sturt University
Senior Lecturer Jeff McCormick, Associate Head, School of Agricultural, Environmental and Veterinary Sciences
- Email: jmccormick@csu.edu.au
- Phone: +61 2 6933 2367
- Course Contact: Visit websiteSouthern Cross University
Professor Nigel Andrew, Chair of Discipline (Science), Science, Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Email: nigel.andrew@scu.edu.au
- Phone: +61 2 6620 3665
Professor Terry Rose, Director of the Centre for Organics Research
- Email: terry.rose@scu.edu.au
- Phone: +61 2 6620 3457University of New England
Associate Professor Chris Guppy, Associate Professor in Soil Fertility, School of Environmental and Rural Science
- Email: cguppy@une.edu.au
- Phone: +61 2 6773 3567University of Sydney
Professor Damien Field, Head of the School of Life and Environmental Sciences
- Email: soles.hos@sydney.edu.au
- Phone: +61 2 9351 2848
- Course Contact: Visit websiteWestern Sydney University
Professor Graciela Metternicht. Dean of the School of Science
- Email: G.Metternicht@westernsydney.edu.au
The University of Queensland
Professor Sagadevan Mundree, Head of School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
- Email: s.mundree@uq.edu.auCentral Queensland University
Professor Andy Stewart, Dean of the School of Health, Medical & Applied Sciences
- Email: andy.stewart@cqu.edu.au
- Phone: +61 7 4930 9763University of Southern Queensland
Associate Professor Polly Burey, Associate Head of the School of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
- Email: Polly.Burey@unisq.edu.au
- Phone: +61 7 4631 1937
Australian National University
Professor Owen Atkin, Director of the Agrifood Innovation Institute (AFII)
- Email: owen.atkin@anu.edu.au
New Zealand
Lincoln University
Professor Christine Jasoni, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences
- Email: Christine.Jasoni@lincoln.ac.nz